Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Do you realize there are only two options for our future together? It's either we break up or get married." (Strangers Again, Wong Fu Productions, 2011)

And most of my acquaintances are opting for the latter. and my option is to attend the reception or tuck away in a corner of the house and cry. IDK. I'm just tired with work I guess. Not that I'm super duper busy, I'm tired with PEOPLE who work so damn hard to make other suffers at work. That leads to my current state of mind - super emo. and looking at happy couples makes my emo-meter raise to the highest level. Ahhhhh!!!

"I think, that if life separates us, and we end up in totally different places, we’ll always remember when our paths aligned for this period of time, and I’ll be thankful for that, and hope that wherever you are, you’ll be thankful too, and I think that’s the best we can wish for"
Josh (Strangers Again, 2011) 

FOREVER A LOAN (pun intended ;P) Ryan Higa you are a genius!! ahaks

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